World Spirit at the Platforma Arts and Refugees Network Conference



This November World Spirit will be heading south of the border to deliver a workshop at the Platforma Festival 2013 in Manchester.

The festival, held from the 31st October 2013 – 1st November 2013 is the second to be hosted by the Arts and Refugees network and will be an opportunity for various groups run by and for refugees to perform their artistic work and discuss topics around the theme of refugee arts.

At the conference World Spirit will present and carry out a workshop introducing the art of forum theatre (or theatre of the oppressed) as a medium and tool for empowering audiences (and actors) to question and change their socio-political context.  We will be presenting our experience of Forum Theatre, through which we have mainly sought to tackle issues faced by asylum seekers and refugees in the UK and, more widely, the barriers to social harmony and multi-directional integration faced by communities as a whole.

You can learn more about the event at their website:

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