Who are we
World Spirit Theatre team members have come to Scotland from a diversity of community and cultures globally and have had direct experience of claiming asylum and settling in the UK.
Pinar Aksu:
Pinar has been involved with World Spirit Theatre since 2012. Pinar holds a BA in Community Development and MSc in Human Rights and International Politics, University of Glasgow. She is currently involved in many different community projects in Glasgow and Edinburgh.
Pinar has been involved with Active Inquiry since 2013, enabling grassroots communities to make and use excellent theatre as a catalyst to uncover and challenge injustice. One of the main reasons for joining World Spirit Theatre is to use Theatre of the Oppressed and Pedagogy of the Oppressed methods as a tool for social change in communities and to raise awareness. Also, never forget to have fun while in rehearsal and performance!
Tony Khan:
Tony Khan has first joined World Spirit Theatre in 2012 as a collective formed by migrants from all walks of life. Tony sees being involved in World Spirit Theatre is a perfect opportunity to put his knowledge and skills into practice but most importantly to raise awareness about issues around migration that are often unheard of or altered by the media. Tony’s aim was and still remains to challenge that stereotype.
”Sell you Brawn & Brain to the highest bidders but never put a price tag on your Heart & Soul.”
Olivia Ndoti:
Born and brought up in Zambia, Olivia has been involved heavily with community campaigns since her arrival in 2005 where she volunteered with refugee led organisation groups for more than 5 years before getting her indefinite leave to remain in the UK. Olivia currently studying a BA in Community Development at the University of Glasgow.
Becoming a mum also gave her more reasons to speak up for those who are marginalised in our communities and victims of institutional racism. With these experiences, she continues to raise awareness for a more diverse society and actively campaign for change.
Qëndresa Bajrami:
Known as Desa. Proud Albanian from Macedonia, currently studying Acting and Performance at Glasgow Clyde College, Langside Campus. Desa is an active performer and known for her successful parts in Citizen Theatre shows, such as and not limited to: Come Hell and High Water, Night to Remember, Silent Heroines Disco. Royal Theatre (Go Dance festival 2017, Scottish Opera (First Glaswegian Opera).
Desa has a unique singing voice, she is a great dancer, actress and an opera singer.
A community worker and an artist. She has been involved in a range of community campaigns and projects around migration and other social justice issues. Nicky helped to start World Spirit back in 2011 whilst working with Govan Community Project, assisting the group with developing and performing their productions, including their first play, The Roundabout.
She is now a supporter of the group, helping out with admin and other roles when she can. She’s a strong believer in the power of art (especially participatory art) to make change happen.